CARL FREDRICKSON FAMILY        map1a.jpg (152040 bytes)


BEAVER LAKEDSC00331.JPG (234958 bytes) 

Our fifth family gathering took place at Beaver Lake in the Northeast corner of Arkansas in June, 2004.  The lake was beautiful and the water was perfect.  The eating establishments were much less so, and the local entertainment we sampled ranked somewhat below the food.  Taken as a whole, however, we agreed that it was a great place and one to which we could cheerfully return.

P6232956.JPG (254766 bytes)Much of the time and most of the energy was spent on the water.  The temperature was just right, and the water is amazing clean and clear.  The rock outcropings and ledges around the perimeter of much of the lake provided the opportunity for "diving" for the younger portion of our contingent, including several of those old enough to know better!  The picture collection once again recorded the event well and a few from that collection are included here.


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