CARL FREDRICKSON FAMILY        map1a.jpg (152040 bytes)



Our 2003 gathering took place at the Green Turtle Bay resort located on Kentuckyhouse.jpg (153058 bytes) Lake near Paducah. We had the use of two houses located together within walking distance of the water but at some distance from the remainder of the resort property. The houses were both virtually new and very well equipped and maintained.

water2.jpg (117105 bytes)Once again, we enjoyed nearly perfect weather for the entire period we were together. The weather was warm as was the water, but there was very little of the steamy humidity one can expect later in the summer.

The program for the week was deliberately less structured with activitieswater5.jpg (134648 bytes) than has water1.jpg (102691 bytes)been our typical previous pattern. The water and the boats provided nearly non-stop action for all of the kids, young and old. Some of the more judicious were convinced that exhaustion would descend over the group sooner or later, but there seemed little evidence of that happening to the very end.

chef1.jpg (121094 bytes)We ate and drank well and often beginning each day with countrywater4.jpg (181343 bytes) breakfast prepared by Jaret and Terry. Some of our meals were eaten out, but a variety of chefs prepared most of them on site.

chatuaqua1.jpg (118591 bytes)Along with the water activities, there were shopping expeditions, somechatuaqua3.jpg (112844 bytes) sightseeing, and the "old folks" even got in a little antiquing in old town Paducah. In addition, we had Chautauqua shows in the evenings complete with uninhibited dancers and appearances by Superheroes!

Perhaps the best indication of satisfaction was the clear consensus of opinion at the end that we should attempt another lake location in 2004.